Shopping cart system with manager
"Muebleria Britania"

Below is the website created with the php programming language where the mysql environment and bootstrap are used as a database to implement the design.

This site has an administrator who will be in charge of modifying the external part of the system and a paypal integration on the client side at the time of purchasing the required product. In this case, I implemented it for a furniture store that I gave as an example.

Administrator Login

Now we will enter with the correct username and password.

Welcome Admin.

Once the correct credentials have been entered, you will be welcomed to the administrator's website.

Admin Catalog

We click on the catalog and it will show us a form for the administrator to enter the name of the furniture with an image, price and on the right side we have a table where the added furniture is shown.

Add chair

In the catalog part, the administrator has the option to add, delete, update, clean furniture. I will add a chair

View website (client part)

Now we will click on "Sitio" in the menu bar. The home page is displayed with a slide of images in the center.

Catalog Client

I click on the catalog button in the menu. it shows us the furniture that we added from the administrator I decided to add the yellow armchair, maybe they remember it in the admin part.

Add to cart

the option is given to the customer to add to the cart in blue button for example suppose you choose the yellow chair. We see that a green alert appears where it is stated that the furniture has already been added to the basket, to see them we click on view cart.

Show Forniture

We are shown a table with the added furniture in the table there is a red button to eliminate any product that the client does not require.

Paypal payments

Now if we add the email we will click on proceed to pay and it will direct us to the payment page as we see it shows us the amount and we will click on the paypal button. I used a sandbox email assigned to me by PayPal.

Enter card

After entering the username and password, it will give us the total price and in this case the type of card to make the payment.

Payment Complete

We press the blue button pay now. And this message will appear 'thank you for you payment'.

It was a very pleasant practice in all senses as well as including challenges with a little more difficulty in the case of data encryption

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